*Tremendously Powerful “Soul Karma Healing” on 06 March 2016*
Namaste My Soul Friends🙏😊
Get set for the next Tremendous Healing Session!
Most of our Major issues are the result of our Past Karmas! The past Bad Karmas create Blockages in our Chakras….Aura….Naadis etc…thus create Major problems in our lives!
Unless these Past Karmas get dissolved….one can never get rid of his/her problems!
On 06 March i am going to connect with Lord Mahamrityunjaya & Transmit his Extremely Powerful Energy….to all those who are interested!
This is one of the Most Powerful Healings of this Earth Dimension……!!!
This Powerful Healing will Burn many Bad Karmas of many lifetimes…..resulting in good fortune in coming future!
All those suffering from severe diseases will be benefitted…..Relation…Finance etc will improve!
People suffering from Black magic/spirits will also get benefitted!
So friends…All those who want to receive this unique healing ….may plz send me their details(Name & Place of residence) at the earliest under this post in Comment box(facebook)….or whats app me privately.
Date of Transmission: 06 Mar 2016.
Time: 09:00 a.m.- 10:00 a.m.(Indian Time)
G.M.T.- 03:30 – 04:30 a.m.
How to receive healing:
Just speak once mentally-
“I am ready to receive the healing sent by Grandmaster Uppendra”.
and then lie down or sit relax with eyes closed for one hour!
(Caution: Please dont drive….or be in Unsafe position during this healing….As the Healing will be Extremely Powerful & Some people may feel Sleepy/Headache/Nausea/Nose Bleeding/Trance state/Body Pains etc)
If something like this happens…Dont get afraid…its due to Release of Past karmas/Negativities/Toxins. you will be alright within few hours.
Energy Exchange:
***Kindly Give Food to at least 1 Poor/Needy/Animal or Old Clothes….as per your capacity🙏🏻***
Dont forget to Share Experiences after healing!🙏
***(Spread this msg to others/other groups also….so that maximum people may get benefitted from this Healing)***
Thank u!
My Sincere Prayers & Unlimited Love for you all!
God bless!
Your Soul Friend…
Uppendra Kumaarr
(Siddha Kundalini Grandmaster & Multi Modality Energy Healing Expert)
whats app: 08739809707